

Monday, February 19, 2024

This is it!


Everything is God. God is all around us, all of the time. When our ego is in charge, the world is hard and difficult. We constantly have opposition in our lives. When we turn to God everything turns to light, we do not need to fight so hard to be ourselves. We cannot have peace when we are determined to live in divisiveness. God is the solution to the struggle of our lives. This is not true for some and not for others. It is true for every single human being. There is no other way, no other path. This is not a belief. It is fact. It is merely how this universe is composed. It is not something that may be changed. Every part of who we believe we are is truly God. Our willfulness in opposition to the existing order of the Universe may appear to be something other when it is not. In our egoic fervor we are incapable of perceiving the subtle unity of all things. Every desire the ego has, everything we wish to accomplish all exists within the greater order of God. Nothing we may achieve for ourselves, no change we may make, changes this deeper nature in any way. It is an expression of this order, a flawless one at that. The ego imagines a chaotic unsettled universe full of uncertainty. The true nature of the universe, of God, is fixed and absolute. The ego does not operate on this level. The only way to go into God, is to lose the ego, to lose the self. So it has no power to affect it. The ego is also unreal anyway, with no power in any dimension.

The ego insists it is correct because it is bent on achieving it’s own aims. It is thirsty. It is maddened by it’s thirst. This madness blinds us from seeing things clearly. We are often so devoured by it that we don’t see much outside of it and we are wholly incapable of living independently of it. By studying the nature of reality through serious contemplation we may realize the immateriality of the ego and the absolute supremacy of Spirit. We may unravel the many dimensions of the universe that appear before us as our consciousness awakens from the stupor of ignorance. I find it incredible how incredibly wrong the ego is and we are about what really makes us happy. We need so little to find joy and beauty in our lives and the answer is always right before us. We are dependent on things and states of mind to be happy when the more we are able to exist independently of these the happier we truly are. True happiness comes from independence of spirit. This is not through denial of any part of our humanity, rather through the wisdom that comes from radically embracing who we are. When we can face the deep unhappiness of our lives, we free some of our attention to inquire why we are this way. We have to be brave enough to acknowledge how we really feel and who we really are in this moment. We can’t work with our feelings if we don’t acknowledge them. Only through acknowledging our feelings, who we are, can we have the chance of learning from them. By acknowledging our thirst and allowing it to be, we are more free to examine why it is that we are thirsty. By seeking happiness through self-gain, we can discover how it always leaves us dissatisfied, that it does not nourish our soul and that we must look heavenward for answers. True security in life does not come through self-gain and dominating aggression, it comes from listening to God and being His servant. The willful ego will always be blind to the immutable higher order of the Universe.  It is unable to have mastery over the subtle laws of the universe because it always seeks to manipulate them for it’s own gain. It only understands enough to serve itself and believes it can continue manipulating them if it stays ahead of the forces working against it. It believes it can because it is arrogant and imagines itself to be supremely powerful. It confuses it’s own nature with God, when it is always infinitely short of the mark. The ego believes it is the greatest thing in the universe and that whoever is strongest rules. So it vies to be the strongest force in the universe. The power within the ego is infinite, but the ego itself is not that power, nor can it ever be. The ego believes it can have this power through manipulation of the existing order of things. It never goes far enough to understand what this power is because it is not really interested in figuring this out, it is only interested in using it for itself. It fails to grasp that every act of manipulation creates an equal force of manipulation against itself, so it is forced to continue to manipulate more to maintain hold over it’s designs. It can never find fulfillment through this method because it is always warring against the universe and creating war against itself. It always has to have it’s guard up. As soon as it fully exposes itself, it opens itself up to be destroyed. It carefully builds it’s power from the shadows and only decides to come out into the open when it believes it is strong enough to dominate the field. The truth is that it never has enough power to dominate the field, it only believes it does, and can only have temporary success. It can never see the full extent of what is going on because it is blinded by it’s own ambition and thirst. It’s attempt is always a gamble, even if it appears to be a sure bet. The more it succeeds, the more it lets it’s guard down, and the more it is open to be hit by a direct hit from some unforeseen force that may easily annihilate it’s flimsy plans. It only succeeds as long as it’s good karma is in effect. Which it undermines by openly seizing power for itself. The only way it can maintain it’s power in the short term is to sink to deeper and deeper depravity. Even then, it remains blind to the true nature of power and the true nature of the universe, and it has no hope of succeeding permanently in it’s aims. This egoic mentality is a tool that the soul attempts to use to find fulfillment in the universe, to fully manifest it’s potential. We have to be present with this aspect of ourself if we wish to gain the wisdom that tells us it is folly to persist in this behavior. If we deny this life within ourself, we will not have the opportunity to grow beyond it. We have to find some way to allow it to express itself so we can discover the wisdom of joining in the existing universal order. Many people in our society are so afraid to live that they never get as far as cultivating their own ego in the open. We are so deadened by the world that all we can do is slavishly conform to the unnatural order that fills the air like the malignant odors of a ripe disease. I don’t advocate assholery, I advocate the courage to express how we really feel and who we really are. I advocate stepping into the shoes of a maturing ego as one step in a greater process towards fully integrating all of the parts of ourselves that have gotten so out of place because of the way the world is. I hope people can do this with wisdom and temperance, with the greater goal in mind. You cannot avoid a certain amount of assholery in this process, but even this is better than the lifelessness that plagues our zombie infested world. I am not sure where we stand because our development is so fucked up. You have to start somewhere in the process of cleaning it all up and awakening and integrating the intelligence of the body/human being. I think there is a massive dharma current floating in the same air that can lead us wisely to through this integration/awaking process. You do have to start from the bottom. That doesn’t mean that’s where you are at the moment. You may have already moved up some of the way.

In order to really bring yourself out of the madness you have to grow up. Even if you wake up, if you don’t clean up your life and take the time to grow up in your heart, you will be stuck in the same routine, and you will continue to be hampered individually. God’s answer responds to our entire being. It is not something to hold back from in any way. If we do, we do not yet understand the dharma in it’s fullest sense and we remain hindered along the path. If we have a keen sense of the dharma, and a fiery determination, we can cut through the veils of ignorance and arrive at the doorstep of the Buddha, who is both awake in mind and in heart. Behold, the blade of the dharma stands before you!

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