

Monday, August 12, 2024

soul power 3

 Energies have shifted back towards Aum heavily today. Had a really nice day. I really would like to be more guided by God. I feel like so much of what I do is unguided and turbulent. I feel like I often don't have the best self control when it comes to how I interact with other people. I feel like I don't behave very wisely often and can blunder about. I would like to be very mindful of God when I speak to other people. I would also like to be more mindful of God when I interact with myself. I can be unkind and impatient. I rush around which causes me to be disoriented and out of touch. I feel that I can be a lot more in touch with God. I think this will bring me the energy I need to be successful in life. I think the energy will come from navigating wisely through inspiration from the Holy Ghost. I do not think our lives need to be as overwhelming as they often are. I think what we often lack is the proper outlook and the consequent proper attitude. When we look to God instead of the world for the solution to our problems and we look to God to guide us and are willing to trust in His wisdom then I think we will profit. Behaving worldly doesn't seem to lead to any good long term results. It seems to set us up for failure. God wants us to overcome selfishness and turn to the Light. He wants us to rise above our circumstances and choose a life of service and spiritual seeking. He wants us to seek Him and serve Him out of our own free will because it is the right thing to do. When we do this, I think he uplifts our spirit and the way becomes clear before us. I think this is what we are really looking for. The right way. How to behave wisely. How interesting such a thing may become so distorted. 

It seems as though half of this spiritual path comes to us through grace and not by our own doing. We cannot force Gods hand, we cannot force ourselves to live spiritually. It seems to come by itself and through Divine intersession. It is a path to follow when we see it, not one we can cling to of our own power. It seems to me that the soul is born of selfishness, that it's light is born of ignorance. The way of the soul is not through individual strength, but through selfless release. I think it comes from letting go of our personal power and gaining strength as a soul in divine communion. The power is not our own, but power given to us by God to do His work. We merely are vessels of His power. God takes care of everything really. It isn't our responsibility to worry over how things are managed. It is our responsibility to make ourselves capable of receiving His will so that it may be carried out on Earth. He wants us to give ourselves to Him, to return to Him. It may sound silly or old-fashioned, but it's real. I think so many of us are so preoccupied with ourselves and this material world that this notion is unapproachable and meaningless. If it is understood, I think it is vaguely so. To really understand this, I think you have to be reborn in the Light in your heart and soul. You have to die to your old self. This is profound. It's not one foot in, one foot out. It's all in. So many beautiful things I have seen in the Universe. All are apart of the same Light. The One Light. All is the Light. Awakening Light. 

This is what we really are. We are not our identities, our bodies nor our minds. We are simply Light. That is here and now. I forgot this is who I am. It has always been who I am, and who I will always be. 

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